Yogini Deepika Singh
Yogini Deepika Singh is a well-qualified and experienced yoga teacher. She has completed her education in yogic science from Uttrakhand and Delhi, India. She has done a master’s in yoga from Uttrakhand University and also got a diploma in yogic science from Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, Delhi. Apart from these academic achievements, she has the art of teaching and sharing her knowledge to the best level. She started teaching yoga in the year 2013 in Delhi with the school students to build up a strong and healthy future for our nation. Later she performs personal yoga classes as a therapist to tackle various diseases. Yoga asanas and sattvic diet is the natural process to heal the body as well as the mind. Then after she move to Rishikesh, the capital of yoga in 2015. Here, she started teaching hatha yoga and anatomy & physiology to the teacher training students in the yoga schools and many students got the chance to gain knowledge from her that how we should teach and what are the responsibilities of a yoga teacher. Yoga is not only practicing the asana for body fitness, but it is also the art of living a beautiful and healthy life, yoga teaches us how to maintain balance and control of the emotions, and senses of a particular person, it promotes the common people to understand the divine energy of the soul so that he or she can live meaningfully.

Yoga has no religion no cast it is the knowledge of human life, it is the way to go close to nature and as a teacher, it is our big responsibility towards our practitioners to motivate them so that they are able to learn and practice more and more in the correct way. So by this, yogini Deepika performs her job as a yoga teacher and yoga therapist to encourage her students to achieve their goals in a positive manner.
Thank you.
Hari Om🙏