200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India, This Yoga instructor training school has designed the 200-hour training course in accordance with the Yoga Alliance International.

By the end of the course, you will be a certified Hatha Yoga instructor and will be certified and qualified to teach Hatha Yoga all around the world. You will be coached by the best trainers in Hatha Atri Yoga teacher training center in Rishikesh, India.

This course has been specially designed to understand and experience Yoga in its full depth. Besides training you to be a yoga guru, this course will provide all the comprehensive knowledge about the proper asanas, pranayama, mudra, bandha, shatkarma. It will also provide you with the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, methodology, philosophy and much more. This course is not just a training program but will be a life-changing event.

This 200 hour teacher training course in Rishikesh, India will inspire you to communicate and share your knowledge with your partner and fellow knowledge seekers.

This course will include intense yoga and-pranayama practice in which meditation, shaktkarma (yogic cleansing) will be performed twice a day. Along with this, adjustment philosophy anatomy and physiology will be conducted once, six days in a week. Details and description of the yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh are given below.

200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh

200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh – Details & Descriptions

Asana: The exercise practice is divided into two halves which are scheduled in morning and evening sessions. The morning session includes a couple of hour class of hatha yoga while the evening session includes another two-hour session of Ashtanga Vinyasa. To achieve perfection, unique belt props are used for adjusting the positions. If you have any queries regarding the adjustment, you may talk freely to your guru and they will help you with all their knowledge.

Alignment: This session will enable you to learn about the correct positions of the asana. This session has been designed to help novice learners to understand the importance of the art of adjustment and alignment of asana. The alignment techniques class will be held every day for two hours and will focus strictly on making your asana alignment technically correct.

Chanting: Yoga Teacher Trainees will be taught to chant and present ‘yogic’ mantras at the start and the end of the yoga sessions for 30 mins, 3 days /week. Also, we will teach how to use the mantra to purify and balance the working of our body chakras.

Pranayama: This is an essential section of the Yoga training program. This session will enable you to understand the control of prana or the subtle energy that will help to control the mind. This session will be held twice a day after practicing Asana. This session is a crucial part of this training program as it will help you understand the power of pranayama and help you channel your energy positively.

Mudra and Bandha: Mudra can be termed as an action that defines our feelings through our body posture. Practicing the art of mudra is concerned with sensory aspects. It requires great skill and technique to perfect a mudra. A perfect mudra can help achieve the best results out of the Pranayam, pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyan, and Samadhi.
The Bandhas are also included in mudras. Bandh is only 4 in number and forms an essential part of pranayama practice. Bandh without the pranayama is termed a mudra.

Meditation: Meditation is an essential aspect of learning yoga. Meditation allows you to go beyond the wilderness of the ordinary mind and achieve peace. This session is held early morning for about 30 minutes, six days in a week.

200 hour yoga ttc in Rishikesh

Philosophy: The yoga teacher training program in Rishikesh also includes philosophical sessions over the course of the week. These sessions are conducted by the Yogi Harishchandra or our Guest teacher Guru Buddhi Prakash ji. They help the listeners to achieve peace of mind and ‘gyaan’ (knowledge) about yoga and spirituality through their speech and understanding.

Anatomy/Physiology: The 200 hrs Teacher Training Program also involves sessions about learning Anatomy and physiology which are conducted by Dr.Harsh.

Shat karma: Shata means six and karma means action. Shatkarma is a technique that involves six cleaning practices of the human body. The Shatkarma is practiced six days a week in the early morning.

Material for four weeks Yoga teacher training course

  • Yoga manual book
  • Mantra manual
  • 31 and 61 points manual
  • Hatha yoga curriculum level 1,2,3.
  • Anuloma-viloma
  • Ujjayi
  • Shitali
  • Sitkari
  • Bhastrika
  • Bhramari
  • Suryabhedana
  • Murccha
  • Plavini
  • Jala Neti
  • Sutra Neti
  • Dhauti (Vamana)
  • Nauli
  • Kapalabhati
  • Tratak
  • Gyan mudra
  • Chin mudra
  • Vishu mudra
  • Yoga mudra
  • Mula bandha(Root lock)
  • Abdominal lift (Uddiyan bandha)
  • Chin lock (Jalandhara bandha)
  • Maha bandha (Great lock)
  • What is the yoga?
  • The Eight Limbs of Raja yoga
  • Ashtanga yoga
  • The mind of the aspirant
  • Brahman, Brahma, and the Three Gunas
  • Three Types of Teachers/three types of students
  • The Seven bhoomikas
  • The four paths of yoga
  • The philosophy and aim of yoga
  • The three bodies and their function
  • Pranayama –yogic Breathing
  • Astral Body and the mystery of the mind
  • The absolute and Evolution of Prakriti
  • The self as existence, knowledge and bliss absolute Conquest of death.
  • Guide to meditation
  • What is meditation? Why is meditation?
  • Japa meditation Theory
  • Mantras meditation
  • Experience in meditation
  • Obstacles to meditation
  • The Locomotor System
  • Skeletal system
  • Joints or articulation
  • Muscular system
  • Respiratory system
  • Urogenital system
  • Digestive system
  • Diet and Nutrition
  • Fasting
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Immune system
  • Nervous system
  • Hormonal system
  • Reproductive system
  • Yoga postures

Regular Price USD 1250(Share room)/1350 Private room

03 Jan to 28 Jan.Rishikesh2001250$Open
01 Feb. to 25 Feb.Rishikesh2001250$Open
01 Mar. to 25 Mar.Rishikesh2001250$Open
01 Apr. to 25 AprRishikesh2001250$Open
01 May to 25 May.Rishikesh2001250$Open
01 Jun to 25 Jun.Rishikesh2001250$Closed
01 Jul to 25 Jul.Rishikesh2001250$Open
01 Aug to 25 Aug.Rishikesh2001250$Open
01 Sept to 25 Sept.Rishikesh2001250$Open
01 Oct. to 25 Oct.Rishikesh2001250$Open
01 Nov. to 25 Nov.Rishikesh2001250$Open
01 Dec. to 25 Dec.Rishikesh2001250$Open

Daily Schedule

Meditation6:00 am to 6:30 am
Cleansing and Ashtanga Yoga6:30 am to 8:30 am
Breakfast8:30 am – 10:00 am
Yoga Philosophy10:00 am – 11:00 am
Alignment class11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Lunch1:00 pm – 2:00 Pm
Free Time2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Anatomy & physiology4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Hatha Yoga5:00 pm – 6:45 PM
Mantra Chanting6:45 pm – 7:00 PM
Dinner7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Self Study8:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Lights Off10:00pm

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh Special Early Bird Price – USD 1200

You can save 50 USD when you confirm your seat 4 months prior to the course start date.
If two people book together then the Early Bird Price is further reduced to 2300 USD for the pair.

The course fees include:

1. A private room with an attached bathroom and hot water

2. Diet food 3 times daily

3. Tea 1 times daily

4. Cleansing process materials

5. Coursebooks.

6. One-day outing to a nearby Rishikesh.

7. One Rudrakhya mala.

8. Yoga Alliance Certificate.

200 hour yoga teacher training

Refund Policy

The Confirmation Fee is 200 USD. This is non-refundable but may be transferred to any other upcoming Yoga Teacher Training course. If you cannot come to our 200 hour yoga TTC in Rishikesh after paying the Confirmation Fee you can use it towards any future course or program. The Confirmation Fee is part of the entire Course Fee. The rest of the Course Fee balance must be paid in cash on the first day of the course either in Euros, US Dollars, British Pounds, or INR, amount according to the Dollar rate on the date of payment.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Code of Conduct

I have decided to join the training course, and during the course, I shall sincerely attend the classes regularly as well as punctuality with on pointed mind, in order to learn and understand yoga, I will keep the atmosphere pure and clean. If I happen to disturb the atmosphere, I will not object to my removal from the course. I confirm that I will follow the above mentions.

As an Institution we have boundaries and criteria which are mapped with specific rules and regulations, all students are advised to follow our rules and regulations during the course!

  • Every student is requested to fulfill the registration formalities and submit the required information and course fee before the start of the course.
  • A student can pay in INR, Dollars, Euro, or Ponds.
  • The fee once paid will not be returned, although if any circumstances happen, it would be possible to postpone the next course.
  • Every student must follow the dress rule strictly as instructed.
  • Every student is requested to come to the class in a yoga dress.
  • Every question which is asked by the students in the class must be related to the course only.
  • The female students are requested to inform about their monthly period. And better to stop some poses like Shoulder stand, Headstand, Viparitakarani and Kapalbhati, Uddiyan bandha, etc.
ryt 200

How to Apply: Fill out the application form and send it to rishiatri@gmail.com, After approval deposit $200 in advance to confirm your place in the course. We will send you mail after receiving your advance fee.

Eligibility: Is anyone interested in learning the ancient Indian system of Yoga and its applied science? It is available for all, irrespective of caste and creed although your eligibility will be assessed after you send us a detailed application form, After checking your eligibility, we will mail you and, you have to proceed with payment, After payment, your seat will be confirmed.

Accreditations: The Yoga Diploma will be awarded by the Atri Yoga Center on successful completion. The course is also certified by Yoga Alliance for 200 hours, 300 hours, and 500 hours of Yoga Teacher Training and is also internationally recognized by the International Yoga Federation the world’s topmost yoga organization in the world, and can apply RYT.

Course Syllabus: The yoga teacher training course 200 – hours is to understand

and experience yoga deeply with full attention but you don’t feel that you are a complete yoga teacher. This course will give you proper asana pranayama mantra, bandha, shatkarma, anatomy physiology methodology philosophy Alignment, and teaching experience. The system will inspire you to teach to the spiritual seekers. This course will give you an intense yoga asana pranayama practice twice a day and meditation shatkarma (yogic cleansing) art of adjustment philosophy anatomy and physiology once a day six days a week.

Yoga Styles: We have expertise in all kinds of yoga styles to make Yoga effective excellent and tremendous like Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Kundalini yoga, Raj yoga, Kriya yoga, Sivananda yoga, and many more. Hatha yoga is a style that balances, the body, mind, and consciousness to bring the state of super consciousness. It is a smooth, stretching, and holding type. Ashtanga Vinyasa is a dynamic flow of poses (asanas), it emphasizes ujjayi breathing, lock, gaze, and base for power yoga. The course includes asana, pranayama, shat kriya, bandha, mudras, mantra, and meditation.