Mahesh Prasad Varma (Januray 12, 1914 to February 5, 2008) was born in the year 1914, he developed the Transcendental Meditation technique and was the leader or guru of the Transcendental Meditation movement, that had been defined as a new religious movement. Varma was known as “Maharishi Mahesh Yogi” in the beginning of the 1960. He was known to be the “giggling guru” for his high-pitched laughter during interviews on television.
He was a disciple and assistant to Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, who was the Shankaracharya or the spiritual leader of Jyothir Math, located in the Indian Himalayas from the year 1941 to 1953. The Maharishi credit Saraswati with the inspiration of his teachings. In the beginning of the year 1955, Maharishi started introducing the Transcendental Meditation technique and other related programs and initiatives to the world. Transcendental Meditation was also known as TM. His first Global tour begun in 1958. He has given training to many former successful characters in Yoga.